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News 2017

  1. with Prof. Tsunehiro Tanaka, Prof. Kentaro Teramura (Kyoto University), and Prof. Hiromi Yamashita (Osaka University)

    in NTU (2017.12.15)

  2. with Prof. Ryu Abe (Kyoto University)

    in Taipei (2017.12.01)

  3. Dinner with Prof. Hiromi Yamashita
  4. with Prof. Jinlong Gong (Tianjin University)

    in Osaka (2017.10.27)

2017/12/25 (New member)

Welcome Yueh-Cheng Yu (B04) to join our group as an undergraduate research student.


2017/12/15 (Seminar)

Prof. Hiromi Yamashita from Osaka University and Prof. Tsunehiro Tanaka and Prof. Kentaro Teramura from Kyoto University visited National Taiwan University and gave presentations.


2017/12/01 (Seminar)

Prof. Ryu Abe from Kyoto University visited National Taiwan University and gave a presentation in departmental seminar.


2017/11/18 (Conference)

Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an invited presentation in the 64th TwIChE Annual Meeting in National Taipei University of Technology.


2017/11/15 (New member)

Welcome Yan-Jhu Chou (R07) and Yu-Hsiang Wang (R07) to join our group as master students (officially start from 2018 Fall).

歡迎周彥築及王鈺翔加入實驗室碩士生行列(2018 Fall開始)。

2017/10/27-10/28 (Conference)

Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu attended OKCAT2017 in Kansai University.

游文岳教授參加2017 Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis。

2017/10/26 (Seminar)

Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a seminar to Prof. Hiromi Yamashita group in Osaka University.


2017/10/11 (Visiting)

Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu visited Prof. Jun Huang group in Sydney University.


2017/08/01-08/02 (Workshop)

Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu served as a session chair in 2017 Summer Catalysis Workshop in National Taiwan University.

游文岳教授擔任 2017台灣觸媒學會暑期教學工作坊主持人。

2017/08/01 (New member)

Welcome Guan-Hui Lee (R06) and You-Ren Lee (R06) to join our group as master students (officially start from 2017 Fall).


2017/08/01 (Kickoff)

Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu joined the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University as a tenure-track assistant professor.


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