News 2017

2017/12/25 (New member)
Welcome Yueh-Cheng Yu (B04) to join our group as an undergraduate research student.
2017/12/15 (Seminar)
Prof. Hiromi Yamashita from Osaka University and Prof. Tsunehiro Tanaka and Prof. Kentaro Teramura from Kyoto University visited National Taiwan University and gave presentations.
2017/12/01 (Seminar)
Prof. Ryu Abe from Kyoto University visited National Taiwan University and gave a presentation in departmental seminar.
2017/11/18 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an invited presentation in the 64th TwIChE Annual Meeting in National Taipei University of Technology.
2017/11/15 (New member)
Welcome Yan-Jhu Chou (R07) and Yu-Hsiang Wang (R07) to join our group as master students (officially start from 2018 Fall).
歡迎周彥築及王鈺翔加入實驗室碩士生行列(2018 Fall開始)。
2017/10/27-10/28 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu attended OKCAT2017 in Kansai University.
游文岳教授參加2017 Osaka-Kansai International Symposium on Catalysis。
2017/10/26 (Seminar)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a seminar to Prof. Hiromi Yamashita group in Osaka University.
2017/10/11 (Visiting)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu visited Prof. Jun Huang group in Sydney University.
2017/08/01-08/02 (Workshop)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu served as a session chair in 2017 Summer Catalysis Workshop in National Taiwan University.
游文岳教授擔任 2017台灣觸媒學會暑期教學工作坊主持人。
2017/08/01 (New member)
Welcome Guan-Hui Lee (R06) and You-Ren Lee (R06) to join our group as master students (officially start from 2017 Fall).
2017/08/01 (Kickoff)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu joined the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University as a tenure-track assistant professor.