News 2022

2022/12/22 (Seminar)
Professors in Chemical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology visited National Taiwan University and gave presentations.
2022/12/06 (Defense)
Zi-Jie Gong (F05) successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations.
2022/12/03 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an invited presentation in 69th TwIChE Annual Meeting in Tamkang University. 游文岳教授於淡江大學舉辦的第69屆台灣化學工程年會進行邀請演講。
2022/12/02-03 (Conference)
Yu research group attended the 69th TwIChE Annual Meeting held by Tamkang University. Sudeep Mudhulu (R10) received English Oral Presentation Award (Honorable Mention); Yu-Shuo Lee (R10), and Monica Mengdie Lin (R10) received the Best Poster Awards. Chih-Hao Chen (R11) received Honorable Mention Poster Awards. Congratulations! 游文岳教授實驗室參加由淡江大學舉辦的第69屆台灣化學工程年會。Sudeep Mudhulu(碩士生)獲得英文口頭報告獎(佳作)、李昱碩(碩士生)及林夢蝶(碩士生)獲得壁報競賽優等獎、陳致豪(碩士生)獲得壁報競賽佳作獎。
2022/11/16 (Seminar)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a seminar in International College of Semiconductor Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. 游文岳教授在陽明交通大學國際半導體學院演講。
2022/11/02 (Publication)
The work regarding the interaction of isopropanol with SrTiO3 prepared by topochemical conversion led by Zi-Jie Gong (F05), and Cheng-Chi Chien (R09) was accepted by Journal of Catalysis. Congratulations! 龔子傑(博士生)與簡正奇(碩士生)所共同撰寫的有關拓樸化學製得SrTiO3與異丙醇的交互作用文章獲Journal of Catalysis期刊接受。
2022/10/24 (Seminar)
Prof. Kazuhiro Takanabe and Prof. Vincent Tung from University of Tokyo visited National Taiwan University and gave presentations. 東京大學髙鍋和広教授和童俊智教授來訪台灣大學及演講。
2022/10/21 (New Member)
Welcome Shan-Ni Lin (R12) to join our group as master students (officially start from 2022 Fall). 歡迎林珊妮加入實驗室碩士生行列(2023 Fall開始)。
2022/09/23 (Seminar)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a seminar in Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University. 游文岳教授在台灣大學化學系演講。
2022/09/21 (Defense)
Tung-Ta Wu (R09) successfully defended his master thesis. Congratulations.
2022/09/12 (New Member)
Welcome Kantika Sitdikovit (R11) to join our group as master students.
歡迎Kantika Sitdikovit加入實驗室碩生班行列。
2022/08/01 (New Member)
Welcome Dr. Akash S. Rasal join our group as a postdoc researcher.
2022/08/01 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a online presentation in the 12th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2022). 游文岳教授在第12屆國際環境催化研討會進行線上演講。
2022/07/29 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a online presentation in the 9th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT9). 游文岳教授在第9屆東京先進觸媒科技研討會進行線上演講。
2022/07/20-22 (Conference)
Together with Wu, Kang, and Li research groups, Yu research group hosted the 1st Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis (TICC2020) in National Taiwan University. Hao-Chuan Ku (R09) received the Best Oral Presentation Award. Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu received the Young Investigator Award. 游文岳教授實驗室與吳嘉文、康敦彥、李奕霈教授實驗室在台灣大學共同舉辦第一屆台北國際催化會議。古浩銓(碩士生)獲得英文口頭發表競賽優勝。游文岳教授獲得Young Investigator Award。
2022/07/06 (Publication)
The invited review regarding the HCOOH-mediated catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of biomass-derived oxygenated furanics authored by Sudeep Mudhulu (R10), Zi-Jie Gong (F05), Hao-Chuan Ku (R09), Yi-Hsuan Lu (R10), and Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu was accepted by Materials Today Sustainability. Congratulations! Sudeep Mudhulu(碩士生)、龔子傑(博士生)、古浩銓(碩士生)與呂奕萱(碩士生)所共同撰寫的有關甲酸催化加氫脫氧生物質衍生呋喃的邀請回顧文章獲Materials Today Sustainability期刊接受。
2022/07/01 (Defense)
Te-An Chiu (R09) successfully defended his master thesis. Congratulations.
2022/06/29 (New Member)
Welcome Hung-Jui Ting (B08) join our group as as an undergraduate research student. 歡迎丁竑睿加入實驗室專題生行列。
2022/06/28 (Defense)
Hao-Chuan Ku (R09) successfully defended his master thesis. Congratulations.
2022/06/22 (Award)
Sudeep Mudhulu (R10) received NTU Outstanding International Graduate Student Scholarship. Sudeep Mudhulu(碩士生)獲得國際台大優秀研究生獎學金。
2022/06/08 (Seminar)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an on-line seminar for Department of Chemical Engineering National Chung Hsing University. 游文岳教授在中興大學化學工程學系線上演講。
2022/05/14 (Award)
Te-An Chiu (R09) and Hao-Chuan Ku (R09) won the second place and third place from the Merck Young Scientist Award Competition, respectively. Congratulation! 邱德安(碩士生)和古浩銓(碩士生)分別獲得首屆臺灣默克年輕科學人獎--壁報競賽綠色化學組優等獎及新星獎。
2022/04/22 (Award)
Zi-Jie Gong (F05) and Hao-Chuan Ku (R09) won the second place from the Walsin Lihwa Poster Competition. Congratulation! 龔子傑(博士生)和古浩銓(碩士生)獲得第一屆華新麗華台大技術交流海報競賽優等。
2022/04/15 (Publication)
Zi-Jie Gong (F05), Hao-Chuan Ku (R09), Te-An Chiu (R09), and Tung-Ta Wu (R09) attended the graduate study competition of the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University. The study of Zi-Jie Gong (F05) was recognized by LCY Group and Eternal Materials, and the study of Hao-Chuan Ku (R09) was recognized by Daxin Materials. Congratulation! 龔子傑(博士生), 古浩銓(碩士生), 邱德安(碩士生), 吳東達(碩士生)參加台大化工系碩博士生畢業論文展。龔子傑(博士生)獲李長榮集團及長興材料公司傑出論文獎,古浩銓(碩士生)獲達興材料公司傑出論文獎
2022/04/05 (Publication)
The work of Zi-Jie Gong (F05) on transfer hydrogenation of carbonyl compounds on Ru-based metallo-supramolecular polymers by Applied Catalysis B. Congratulation! 龔子傑(博士生)以金屬超分子聚合物進行羰基物質的轉移氫化研究獲Applied Catalysis B期刊接受。
2022/03/25 (Seminar)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a seminar in Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. 游文岳教授在成功大學化學工程系演講。
2022/03/11 (New Member)
Welcome Ting-Wei Huang (R11) to join our group as master students (officially start from 2022 Fall). 歡迎黃亭維加入實驗室碩生班行列(2022 Fall開始)。
2022/03/10 (Workshop)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an on-line talk for NTU-MIT Workshop organized by Industry Liaison Office, National Taiwan University. 游文岳教授在台灣大學國際產學聯盟舉辦的NTU-MIT Workshop線上演講。
2022/03/04 (Award)
Ming-Pei Lin (B07) won the second place from the NTU-ChemE Undergraduate Research Project Competition. Congratulation! 林明霈(專題生)得到台大化工系學士專題競賽銀獎。
2022/01/25 (New Member)
Welcome Heng-Yan Dai (B08) join our group as as an undergraduate research student. 歡迎戴恆彥加入實驗室專題生行列。
2022/01/18 (Award)
Chih-Hao Chen (B07) and Ming-Pei Lin (B07) his team members won the second place from the Innovative Process Design Competition. Congratulation!
2022/01/14 (Award)
Zi-Jie Gong (F05) and Te-An Chiu (R09) received the academic thesis support from ASE Foundation. Congratulation! 龔子傑(博士生)與邱德安(碩士生)得到第八屆日月光環保學術碩博士論文獎助。
2022/01/07 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an invited presentation in 68th TwIChE Annual Meeting in Kaohsiung Exhibition Center. 游文岳教授於高雄展覽館舉辦的第68屆台灣化學工程年會進行邀請演講。
2022/01/06-07 (Conference)
Yu research group attended the 68th TwIChE Annual Meeting held by National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology in Kaohsiung Exhibition Center. Zi-Jie Gong (F05) received English Oral Presentation Award (Honorable Mention); Hao-Chuan Ku (R09), and Ming-Pei Lin (B07) received the Best Poster Awards. Te-An Chiu (R09) received Honorable Mention Poster Awards. Congratulations! 游文岳教授實驗室參加由高雄科技大學在高雄展覽館舉辦的第68屆台灣化學工程年會。龔子傑(博士生)獲得英文口頭報告獎(佳作)、古浩銓(碩士生)及林明霈(學士生)獲得壁報競賽優等獎、邱德安(碩士生)獲得壁報競賽佳作獎。
2022/01/03 (New Member)
Welcome Hui-Chi Chang to join our group as an administrative assistant.