Latest News (archive)
Open Positions
Post-Doctoral Researchers
For doctors and PhD candidates who have catalysis-related research experiences, please email Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu with a cover letter and a resume.
Graduate and Undergraduate Researchers
For those who are interested to work with us, please email Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu to make an appointment.​
Welcome to our group webpage!
We are a research group under the direction of Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu in the Department of Chemical Engineering at National Taiwan University. Our research focuses on the overlapping topics of heterogeneous catalysis, surface science, and functional nanomaterials. We aim at integrating both fundamental and engineering approaches to develop catalytic materials with desired properties and enhanced performance for green chemistry processes and alternative energy technologies.​​
2025/01/09-11 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu attended 18th Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on in Fukuoka, Japan, and gave a presentation.
​2024/09/12 (Award)
Yu-Shuo Lee (F10), and Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu received the Chemical Engineering Excellence Award from Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Congratulations!
​​2024/08/29 (New member)
Welcome MyeongHoon Jeong (D13) to join our group as a PhD student.
2024/08/06 (New member)
Welcome Hsiao-Yuan Chao (R13) to join our group as a master student.