News 2023

2023/12/10 (Visit)
Prof. Keiichi Tomishige from Tohoku University, and Prof. Hisahiro Einaga, Prof. Yuta Tsuji, Prof. Jun Tae Song, Prof. Tatsuki Abe, Prof. Shiro Ihara, and Prof. Koichi Suematsu from Kyushu University visited National Taiwan University.
2023/12/09-10 (Conference)
Yu research group attended the 70th TwIChE Annual Meeting in National Taiwan University. Yu-Shuo Lee (F10) received English Oral Presentation Award. Chih-Hao Chen (R11) received Outstanding Poster Awards. Chia-Shin Lee (R11) and Law Zhi Pin (R12) received Honorable Poster Awards. Congratulations!
2023/12/07 (Publication)
The review of Akash S. Rasal (postdoc) and Prof. Hao Ming Chen regarding the engineering of electrocatalysts for urea oxidation reaction was accepted by Nano Energy. Congratulation!
Akash S. Rasal(博士後)和陳浩銘教授共同撰寫的尿素氧化反應電觸媒的工程回顧文章獲Nano Energy期刊接受。
2023/12/03-07 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an invited presentation in International Symposium on Catalysis and Fine Chemicals (C&FC2023) held in Tokyo Metropolitan University in Japan. 游文岳教授於日本東京都立大學舉辦的2023國際催化及精細化學品研討會進行邀請演講。
2023/11/07 (Publication)
The work of Fang-Yi Tu (R08) and Te-An Chiu (R09) with Prof. Jyh-Chiang Jiang group regarding the surface chemistry of dimethyl carbonate on CeO2 surface was accepted by Surfaces and Interfaces. Congratulation!
杜芳毅(碩士生)和邱德安(碩士生)與江志強教授研究團隊的碳酸二甲酯在CeO2上的表面化學研究獲Surfaces and Interfaces期刊接受。
2023/11/03-04 (Conference)
Yu research group attended the 7th Taiwan Carbon Materials Academic Symposium in National Central University. Chih-Hao Chen (R11) received the Special Excellence Poster Award. Congratulations! 游文岳教授實驗室參加在中央大學舉辦的第七屆台灣碳材料學術研討會。陳致豪(碩士生)獲得壁報競賽特優。
2023/10/22 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an invited presentation in 2023 CCSU and Environmental Technology Forum in Lunghwa University of Science and Technology. 游文岳教授於龍華科技大學舉辦的2023碳之捕獲、儲存、再利用及環保科技論壇進行邀請演講。
2023/10/20 (Admission)
Yun-Rong Hsieh (B09), En-Chi Ho (B09), and Min-Chi Fu (B09) received an admission offer to our department as a master student starting from 2024 Fall. Congratulations! 謝昀容(專題生)、何恩琪(專題生)、傅敏琪(專題生)經甄試錄取本系碩士班。
2023/10/06 (Visit)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu visited Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, and gave a presentation. 游文岳教授訪問高麗大學化學及生物工程系並進行演講。
2023/10/05 (Visit)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu visited Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and gave a presentation. 游文岳教授訪問韓國科學技術院化學及生物分子工程系並進行演講。
2023/09/05 (New member)
Welcome Hubert C. Chen (B08) join our group as an undergraduate research student. 歡迎陳信安加入實驗室專題生行列。
2023/09/03 (New member)
Welcome Yi-An Wang (B10) join our group as an undergraduate research student. 歡迎王翊安加入實驗室專題生行列。
2023/08/31 (New member)
Welcome Hong-Ying Lin (B09) join our group as an undergraduate research student. 歡迎林宏穎加入實驗室專題生行列。
2023/08/21 (New member)
Welcome Jiun-Zhih Hsin (B10) join our group as an undergraduate research student. 歡迎徐浚植加入實驗室專題生行列。
2023/08/07 (Workshop)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave lecture in Fundamental Catalysis Workshop in National Taiwan University. 游文岳教授在基礎觸媒工作坊進行演講。
2023/07/25 (Publication)
The work of Monica Mengdie Lin (R10) and Justin Tay Zheng (R11) regarding the one-pot methanolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) by isopropanol-assised CO2 hydrogenation was accepted by Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Congratulation!
林夢蝶(碩士生)和鄭崢(碩士生)的異丙醇協助二氧化碳氫化一鍋甲醇解聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯研究獲Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers期刊接受。
2023/07/06 (Defense)
Kantika Sitdikovit (R11) successfully defended her master thesis. Congratulations. Kantika Sitdikovit(碩士生)完成碩士論文口試。
2023/06/28-30 (Conference)
Yu research group attended the Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis (TICC) in National Cheng Kung University. Yu-Shuo Lee (R10) received Outstanding Oral Award. Sudeep Mudhulu (R10) received Honorable Oral Award. Guan-Bo Syu (R10) received Outstanding Poster Award. Monica Mengdie Lin (R10), Kantika Sitdikovit (R11) and Chih-Hao Chen (R11) both received the Honorable Poster Awards. Congratulations!
游文岳教授實驗室參加在成功大學舉辦的台灣國際催化研討會。李昱碩(碩士生)獲得英文口頭發表競賽優勝、Sudeep Mudhulu(碩士生)獲得英文口頭發表競賽佳作、及許冠博(碩士生)獲得壁報競賽優勝、林夢蝶(碩士生)、Kantika Sitdikovit(碩士生)、陳致豪(碩士生)獲得壁報競賽佳作。
2023/06/21 (Defense)
Sudeep Mudhulu (R10) successfully defended his master thesis. Congratulations. Sudeep Mudhulu(碩士生)完成碩士論文口試。
2023/06/19 (Defense)
Monica Mengdie Lin (R10) successfully defended her master thesis. Congratulations. 林夢蝶(碩士生)完成碩士論文口試。
2023/06/13 (New member)
Welcome Han-Shu Jao (R12) to join our group as a master students.
2023/05/31 (Publication)
The work of Ching-Hsiu Chung (B05) with Prof. Wei-Fan Kuan regarding the in-situ characterizations of CO2 on CeO2 surface was accepted by Materials Today Sustainability. Congratulation!
鐘慶修(學士生)與官韋帆教授的CO2在CeO2上的原位鑑定研究獲Materials Today Sustainability期刊接受。
2023/04/21 (New member)
Welcome Law Zhi Pin (R12) to join our group as a master students (officially start from 2023 Fall). 歡迎劉紫冰加入實驗室碩士生行列(2023 Fall開始)。
2023/04/20 (Seminar)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a seminar in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. 游文岳教授在成功大學材料科學及工程學系演講。
2023/04/14 (Conference)
Monica Mengdie Lin (R10), Guan-Bo Syu (R10), and Sudeep Mudhulu (R10) attended the graduate study competition of the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University. Monica Mengdie Lin (R10) and Guan-Bo Syu (R10) received bronze medals, and Sudeep Mudhulu (R10) received honorable mention. Congratulation! 林夢蝶(碩士生), 許冠博(碩士生), Sudeep Mudhulu(碩士生)參加台大化工系碩博士生畢業論文展。林夢蝶(碩士生)和許冠博(碩士生)獲得銅獎,Sudeep Mudhulu獲得佳作。
2023/03/11 (Conference)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave an invited presentation in 2023 Chemistry National Meeting in National University of Kaohsiung. 游文岳教授於國立高雄大學舉辦的2023化學年會進行邀請演講。
2023/02/03 (Visit)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu visited Prof. Chao-Ming Chiang group in National Sun Yat-sen University. 游文岳教授訪問國立中山大學蔣昭明教授實驗室。
2023/03/09 (Seminar)
Prof. Jinwoo Lee from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology visited National Taiwan University and gave presentations. 韓國科學技術院Jinwoo Lee教授來訪台灣大學及演講。
2023/03/06 (New member)
Welcome Wei-Cheng Chen (R12) and Chih-Wei Huang (R12) to join our group as master students (officially start from 2023 Fall). 歡迎陳韋丞和黃鋕偉加入實驗室碩士生行列(2023 Fall開始)。
2023/03/07 (Visit)
Dr. Masayoshi Higuch in National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) visited our group. 物質材料研究機構樋口昌芳博士訪問游文岳教授實驗室。
2023/02/23 (Seminar)
Professors in Chemical Engineering from Sogang University visited National Taiwan University and gave presentations. 西江大學化工系來訪台灣大學及演講。
2023/02/20 (Visit)
Prof. Yutaka Amao and Prof. Masazumi Tamura in Osaka Metropolitan University visited our group. 大阪公立大學天尾豊教授和田村正純教授訪問游文岳教授實驗室。
2023/02/09 (New member)
Welcome En-Chi Ho (B09) and Yun-Rong Hsieh (B09) join our group as undergraduate research students. 歡迎何恩琪和謝昀容加入實驗室專題生行列。
2023/02/06 (Presentation)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a presentation to the group of Dr. Shih-Yuan Chen in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).
2023/02/06 (Visit)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu visited Dr. Masayoshi Higuch group in National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). 游文岳教授訪問物質材料研究機構樋口昌芳博士實驗室。
2023/02/03 (Visit)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu visited the groups of Prof. Kazuhiro Takanabe and Prof. Vincent Tung in University of Tokyo.
2023/02/02 (Presentation)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave a presentation to Prof. Masaru Ogura group in University of Tokyo. 游文岳教授在東京大學小倉賢教授實驗室演講。
2023/02/01 (New member)
Welcome Kai-Zone Cheng to join our group as an administrative assistant. 歡迎鄭楷融加入實驗室擔任行政助理。
2023/01/13 (Workshop)
Prof. Wen-Yueh Yu gave lecture in Fundamental Catalysis Workshop in National Taiwan University. 游文岳教授在基礎觸媒工作坊進行演講。